Community of Friends

New Projects!

Exciting new opportunities this season near every North Coast Campus that are great for life groups or individuals. To find out more about each project,…

Summer Projects!

If you like working outdoors, then these projects are for you!  They range from cultivating community gardens, landscape beautification, building beds and sheds, and planting…
Family Pizza Night

Meals for Those in Need!

Mealtimes represents more than just a time to eat.  Bringing and serving a meal can show love and hospitality, and offers an opportunity to connect…
Military Parade

Support Military Families

Volunteer your time to support the military families who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.  Find opportunities the Navigate Life Conference or at our…
chess game

Game Nights

Game Nights with Seniors or Adults with Special Needs North Coast has partnered with several senior communities, and six residential Downstown homes for adults with…
senior smiling

Love on Seniors!

North Coast has partnered with several senior communities in order to love our local seniors. Great for groups or individuals.
toothpaste, toiletries

11 Easy Ways to Serve From Home

These kits will bless North Coast Community Partners and will surely bring a smile to someone’s face.  Involve your Life Group, family, neighbors, or just…
Blood donor pic

Donate Blood – 2/27/24

Be a local hero and sign up to donate blood today.  The Nation has severe blood shortages of all blood types and we sincerely appreciate…