Suggested Items for Care Packages
See our list of suggested care package items along with some great tips on what works well.

Care Package Mailing Tips:
Free flat rate boxes can be picked up at the Post Office.

The contents of the flat rate box must be neatly contained inside of the box with adhesive packaging tape. The box must close securely and retain its shape when taped with adhesive.

Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note: Item No: FORM 2976-A required for all packages over 16 ounces.

Mailing Instructions:

  • Put any item that could leak or melt or which is scented in a leak-proof zip-sealed bag! If in doubt – bag it!
  • If you would like a reply, be sure to enclose a letter saying so – but often our guys/gals are honestly too busy to reply…but we need to support them anyway!
  • Fill all extra space with foam peanuts, bubble wrap, popcorn or better yet granola bars, powder drink mixes, socks, etc.
  • Double tape all seams with strong packing or shipping tape. Make sure you have a strip going around all sides.
  • Fill out a “Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note” at the Post Office. Briefly list the contents and underestimate the value to discourage thieving. In the upper left corner write “North Coast Church” with your complete return address so they know it’s safe to open (or it might get tossed). In the bottom right corner write “If the person to whom this box is addressed has been redeployed, please keep the box and share it with your unit.”

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a deployed guy or girl in the military.
