As you may already know, North Coast Church loves serving our local community. The way we do that is…YOU! When you and your group serve together you make an impact. We’ve made it easy by offering all kinds of opportunities to serve in a city near you. Check out this quick video on how serving impacted my group.
Select your location below to find links to service projects for your area.
To sign up, or for more information, see the links below:
Game Nights with Seniors or Developmentally Disabled
- Game Night at Downstown, Wed/Thurs Nights
- Bingo Night at Alta Vista Senior Home
- Bingo Night at Pacifica Senior Home
Care Packages or Donations:
- Toiletry Kits for Homeless
- Create Blessing Bags for Seniors
- Frontline Worker Care Packages
- Sew Dresses for Girls in 3rd World Countries
- Create a Baby Layette for Pathway Health Clinic
Meal Projects:
- Make Sack Lunches for Interfaith
- Bring Dinner for Bread of Life Shelter, Wednesday nights
- Bring Dinner for Operation Hope Shelter, Thursday nights
- Bring Dinner for Michaelle House, Thursday nights
Habitat Restoration/Clean Ups:
- El Corazon Trail Clean Up: Saturdays
- Ivey Ranch Grounds Beautification: Saturdays
Donate Blood:
- Blood Mobile at the Vista Campus: Mar 22, May 17
Browse the Community Service website for more ideas!
To sign up, or for more information, see the links below:
Habitat/Trail Restoration:
- La Costa Habitat Restoration: 2nd Saturday/monthly
- Agua Hedionda Trail Clean Up: 2nd Saturday/monthly
Sack Lunches:
Care Packages or Toiletry Kits:
- Frontline Worker Care Packages
- Toiletry Kits for Carlsbad Senior Center
- Toiletry Kit for Homeless, Interfaith Carlsbad
- Sew Dresses for Girls in 3rd World Countries
- Create a Baby Layette for Pathway Health Clinic
Donate Blood:
Browse the Community Service website for more ideas!
Thanks for considering these projects and for making our community a better place.
To sign up, or for more information, see the links below:
Care Packages or Donations:
- Frontline Worker Care Packages
- Donate to Children in Crisis, Safe Families
- Sew Dresses for Girls in 3rd World Countries
- Donate Food or Fresh Fruits, Fallbrook Food Pantry
- Create a Baby Layette for Hope Clinic for Women
Volunteer Time:
Habitat/Trail Restoration:
- Palomares Area Preserve Restoration, Fallbrook Land Conservancy, Saturdays/Monthly
- Pico Promenade Trail Maintenance, Fallbrook Land Conservancy, Saturdays/Monthly
- Monserate Mtn Preserve Restoration, Fallbrook Land Conservancy, Saturdays/Monthly
Browse the Community Service website for more ideas!
Thanks for considering these projects and for making our community a better place.
To sign up, or for more information, see the links below:
Pauma Valley Food Distribution: 4th Tuesday/Monthly
Freeway Clean-up: Caltrans Adopt A Highway: 3rd Saturday/monthly
Care Packages or Donations:
Browse the Community Service website for more ideas!
Thanks for considering these projects and for making our community a better place.
To sign up, or for more information, see the links below:
Meal Projects:
- Bring Dinner for In His Steps, Monday Nights/Quarterly
Care Packages, Donations or Toiletry Kits:
- Frontline Worker Care Packages
- Create a Blessing Bag for Ramona Senior Center
- Sew Dresses for Girls in 3rd World Countries
- Create Men’s/Women’s Toiletry Kits for In His Steps
Browse the Community Service website for more ideas!
Thanks for considering these projects and for making our community a better place.
To sign up, or for more information, see the links below:
Care Packages, Donations or Toiletry Kits:
- Frontline Worker Care Packages
- Create a Baby Layette for a New Mom
- Sew Dresses for Girls in 3rd World Countries
- Create Men’s/Women’s Toiletry Kits for Interfaith Escondido
- Create a Baby Layette for a New Mom, Birth Choice
Browse the Community Service website for more ideas!
Thanks for considering these projects and for making our community a better place.
To sign up, or for more information, see the links below:
Game Nights:
- Downstown, Wednesday/Thursday nights
Care Packages or Donations:
- Frontline Worker Care Packages
- Toiletry Kit for Teen Parents
- Gift Cards Donations for Teen Parents
- Create a Baby Layette for a New Mom
- Sew Dresses for Girls in 3rd World Countries
- Donate Blood at the San Marcos/Escondido Campus: April 7
Meal Projects:
- Make Sack Lunches for Interfaith
- Bring Dinner for Michaelle House, Wednesday nights
Donate Blood:
- American Red Cross at the San Marcos/Escondido Campus: Feb 8, Apr 7
Browse the Community Service website for more ideas!
Thanks for considering these projects and for making our community a better place.
- Create a Frontline Worker Care Packages
- Create a Baby Layette for a New Mom
- Create a Blessing Bag for a Senior
- Sew Dresses for Girls in 3rd World Countries
- Create Toiletry Kits for Homeless or Veterans
- Create a Laundry Kit for Struggling Families
Thanks for considering these projects and for making your community a better place.